Practical Life Lessons I Learned From My Dad
My dad is a spitting image of Tim Allen – Tim Allen from Tool Time, hows that for dating myself? Was the name of the show Tool Time or was that just the show on the show? Either way, my Dad is that character, although Im not sure he would look as much like him, if their personalities didnt seem so spot on. When I asked my Dad if he knew what celebrity I thought he looked like, he said Pierce Brosnan (hes going to kill me for saying that). But hes kind of right, sort of, hes a Pierce/Tim hybrid, with all “Tim the Tool Time” personality.
Taboo Topics – Things Nobody Told Me About Pregnancy and Beyond
Nobody told me(fill in the blank). How often have you said this or heard one of your girlfriends say this about something pregnancy or post-pregnancy related? While pregnant with my first child, I felt like I was saying it all the time.
Every Kid Has Their One “Thing”
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and she was relaying the struggles that she’s had with her daughter and potty training.
There’s Only One Wrong Way To Parent
Two of my closest girlfriends have, in the last 3 months, had their first babies. Both of them are surrounded by friends whose children are all a few years older or if they have infants, it is not their first.
Motherhood Motto: Do The Best You Can.
There was an article in the Wall Street Journal recently that made me stop and think about how I feel about motherhood and whether I make decisions as a mother based on what I think is right or based on what others tell me is the right thing to do.