2 mins read

How to Donate Your Hair to Make Cancer Wigs

Treating cancer with chemotherapy or radiation not only kills the cancer cells, it can also damage the hair-producing cells, leading to hair loss. For many, especially children, dealing with the hair loss in addition to the cancer can make recover even more difficult. Locks of Love, a non-profit organization that provides wigs for children in need, states that a wig “can help restore some of the normalcy to their everyday lives that most of us take for granted.” Feeling normal can help any cancer patient battle her disease. Anyone can donate hair to one of several non-profit organizations that supply wigs to cancer patients if that hair is long enough and healthy.

2 mins read

Pregnant Women With Breast Cancer

Most pregnant women spend their time thinking about nursery designs, routine prenatal appointments and baby names. Breast cancer isn’t usually on the list of worries after conception, but the disease occurs at a rate of about one in 3,000 pregnancies, according to the National Cancer Institute. The progression of the pregnancy and the disease affect the outcome and treatment options.

3 mins read

How Many Women Survive Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed form of cancer among women, excluding non-melanoma skin cancers. Breast cancer is the second most deadly form of cancer among women, exceeded only by lung cancer. The survival rate for breast cancer is significantly higher in women who are diagnosed at earlier stages of the disease.

3 mins read

How Many Women Are Diagnosed With Breast Cancer Each Year?

Breast cancer is a catchall phrase for a number of different types of cancer of the breast, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The type of breast cancer that develops is dependent upon the type of cells within the breast that develop into cancer cells. Breast cancer is the second most prevalent form of cancer among women in the United States, exceeded only by nonmelanoma skin cancer.