2 mins read

PB&W – The Perfect Sandwich

As kids, we were pretty picky eaters, but there was one thing you could always count on us eating –a peanut butter sandwich. In our house, it often had honey on it rather than jelly, as our mom always seemed to have her own way of serving something slightly different than the norm. But either way, we loved our PB &J, or our PB& H. And if your kids are like the way we were, or like Tammys twin daughters, peanut butter goes down without a fight and its a good vehicle for getting nutrition into your kids.

3 mins read

Aphrodisiac Foods

An aphrodisiac is any indigestible item that arouses sexual desire. While rhino horn and Spanish Fly once fell into this category, science hints that many common foods may be a better way to go. Several foods are not only sensual; they are also capable of causing physiological changes within the body that will help you to become a real tiger in the bedroom.