9 mins read

Privacy Policy

Welcome Welcome to ModernMom.com, a website owned by Momenta, LLC. This Privacy Policy is designed to tell you about our practices regarding collection, use, and disclosure of information that you may provide via this site. Please be sure to read this entire Privacy Policy before using or submitting information to this site. Your Consent By…

2 mins read

Santa Has Some Consistency Issues…

There is one big problem with the awesome and much adored Santa. Mainly, that he is fictional.This becomes problematic because it means every family has a different Santa, which causes consistency issues.We’verun into this problem with the Tooth Fairy as well. I know a kid who gets $20 for every lost tooth. Short of banning said kid from my home, I had to do some expectation management with my little tooth …

7 mins read

When the Bough Breaks: Ending the Stigma, Shame and Silence of Postpartum Mood Disorders

Contrary to the popular belief that pregnancy is a biologically protective and emotionally joyful time, women are actually quite vulnerable to a spectrum of psychiatric disorders throughout the perinatal period – the time around pregnancy and postpartum. This range of disorders, more commonly referred to under the umbrella term of postpartum depression, is more accurately reflected by the terms postpartum or perinatal mood and anxiety disorders (PMADs). In fact, 1 in 7 women who become pregnant will experience a mental health disorder during the course of their pregnancy or in the postpartum period, making PMADs the most common complication of childbirth. Additionally, 50% of women diagnosed with PMADs postpartum had an onset of their symptoms during pregnancy.