5 mins read

The Tragedy of the Discontinued Shorts

Dear Person At Lands End Who Decides Which Items to Discontinue, Im going to keep this friendly, because Im hoping that youll help me out here. Im sure that you have really great kids. The kind of kids who are adorable and polite and look like they stepped out of well, a Lands End catalogue. (I was totally going to say a J. Crew catalogue but then I was all, duh!)

3 mins read

Feeding Hungry Kids – One Bagel At A Time

Mother’s Day having just passed, it got me pondering the beloved topic of…yes, Moms. There are straight and gay moms, liberal and conservative moms, free spirited and helicopter moms, yoga and mindful moms.  There are the iconic Jewish and Italian moms, stay at home and working moms. Boho and Yuppie Moms, Dance and Trans Moms.…

4 mins read

Ab Exercises After Pregnancy

Women who have gone through a pregnancy often have the same or similar experiences. After giving birth they are not only heavier but their bodies are not of the same shape and size as they were before they were pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth can be traumatic. A woman’s abdominal muscles will be both stretched and weakened after giving birth, and her body will not automatically restore itself to its original condition. However, a woman can tighten these muscles and slim down the abdominal area with proper exercise.*

6 mins read

How an Earnings Chart Can Help Children With Special Needs

Do any of you use some sort of “earnings chart” for your child on the autism spectrum? Back when our child received DTT services 14 hours a week in our home, his DTT supervisor encouraged us to begin to use a behavioral earnings chart. During this time, our child was having too many tantrums and/or issues with compliance. Often, he would have these problems in relation to not getting a preferred item.