3 mins read

Do You Need to Use a Back-Up Method When Switching Birth Control?

You may want to switch birth control methods to reduce side effects, opt for increased convenience or improve effectiveness. Changing from a barrier method of birth control to a hormonal contraceptive is one option, but you may also change from one hormonal contraceptive to another. Staying safe and preventing pregnancy while you switch is key, but your circumstances will affect whether you should use a back-up method of contraception.

2 mins read

Home Composting Made Easy

Two basic methods of composting exist — hot composting and cold composting. Hot composting usually involves using a composter. This expensive gardening item heats the compost to more than 100 degrees F, which kills weed seeds and pathogens, and monitors the carbon-to-nitrogen ratio of the compost pile. If you want to compost without the hassle, then use the cold composting method. Cold composting takes more time and doesn’t kill all the weeds or pathogens, but it’s an achievable composting method for almost any gardener.

2 mins read

Easy Potty Training for Boys

Boys are generally ready to be potty trained between their second and third birthdays. While it’s rumored that boys are more difficult to train than girls, according to AskDrSears.com, this isn’t really true and reflects more on who is training the child. Since toilet training is often learned by imitation and most moms handle the toilet training, it makes sense that moms would report that boys are harder to train. While potty training is a process, it doesn’t have to be a difficult one.