7 mins read

Giving Birth To Someone Else’s Triplets: The Emotional Roller Coaster

It took me a little longer than expected to write the second half (see link to first half below) of the triplets birth story because, frankly, getting things back to normal around here has been difficult. Here I am recovering from major surgery to remove three babies from inside me. My husband could only take a few days off work and once he went back, it was just me and my four children. I had no help, and I had four children depending on me to feed them, change them, bathe them, and provide meals and snacks. I was unbearably sore at times and experiencing emotional highs and lows from wacky hormones. I was an absolute mess. But more on that laterback to where I left off, in recovery after the c-section.

8 mins read

10 Ways To Help Your Child Become A Better Writer

If your kids are like mine, they don’t take well to their parents giving them advice on much of anything — academics, athletics, you name it. In many ways, I am thankful for this. My kids are independent and have learned to do their homework on their own.But I had to step in recently to help my middle-schooler with a term paper that needed a lot of help. I started with my red pen …