3 mins read

Posture Exercises for Kids

Children can be terrible slouchers! You know the symptoms- shoulders down, stomach out, back hunched. There is no time like the present for your kids to learn good habits. In fact, the sooner, the better. Even if you children do not have medical conditions, such as scoliosis, which cause back problems, they can still benefit from doing posture exercises. After all, many children spend part of their days in rigid school chairs or slouched on couches watching television or playing video games. Keep exercises short and pain-free to ensure they stick with the routine! And maybe skip balancing books on their head…

4 mins read

Ab Exercises After Pregnancy

Women who have gone through a pregnancy often have the same or similar experiences. After giving birth they are not only heavier but their bodies are not of the same shape and size as they were before they were pregnant. Pregnancy and childbirth can be traumatic. A woman’s abdominal muscles will be both stretched and weakened after giving birth, and her body will not automatically restore itself to its original condition. However, a woman can tighten these muscles and slim down the abdominal area with proper exercise.*

1 min read

Core Exercise With No Pressure on Your Back

The Fit Mommy Toolbox is a ModernMom resource for moms who want to live healthy and active lifestyles. Dont let an achy back get your abs down! Even the most effective core exercises will sneak up on your back if your abdominal wall is not engaged properly or is just in desperate need for a strength booster. Leg Raise with Ball Prop Try this exercise at least 4 to 6 days per week to build a better core while safely bracing your back muscles.

4 mins read

Exercise Trampoline for Kids

Does your little one shun the idea of exercise? Would they rather play video games, watch TV or even read a book than run around outside? But just like adults, kids need regular exercise to be healthy and fit. Trampolines are perfect way to entice your kids to get outside and get moving! To get the best health benefits, a child should play on an exercise trampoline for at least 2 1/2 hours each week.

3 mins read

Pilates Exercises for Kids

Pilates, a method of exercise developed by Joseph Pilates during World War I, can help children grow stronger and improve their flexibility. Although Pilates is often associated with slender, flexible dancers and movie stars, its original purpose was to help bedridden patients develop strength. You can adjust the various Pilates exercises as needed according to your abilities, making it a suitable regimen for anyone, even a child who is not very strong or in good physical shape.