5 mins read

Exciting News!

Today I have some very exciting news to share with you! It is about my dear friend Aly, founder of Aly Dahl Designs. I am soooo extremely excited for her I just had to take a moment to spread the news. Two years ago after having children, Aly left her corporate job in the financial industry to follow her passion for handcrafting jewelry. Aly is a shining example of taking a risk to follow your heart, working hard, and turning dreams into reality.

3 mins read

Fashion & Makeup Games

Most girls just love fashion and makeup. From an early age, young girls develop a love affair with clothes, accessories, colors, glosses, powders and sprays. The next time you have a houseful of girls, let them use their femininity and play some fashion and makeup games. They can be as messy or as organized as you want. Either way, you are sure to thrill the little designers around you.