3 mins read

Guided Imagery for Children

Guided imagery, the practice of imagining yourself into a desirable reality, is an effective way for children to deal with pain or emotional trauma. As FamilyEducation reports, children are keenly capable of taking advantage of the benefits of guided imagery. I your child is prone to fits of stress or is in the midst of a painful struggle, consider putting guided imagery to work as a way to help him make it through his challenges.

15 mins read

ModernMom’s Guidelines for Our Valued Content Contributors

At Modern Mom, our core values revolve around leaving a positive impact on the world, treating others as we'd like to be treated, and serving as role models for our children, nurturing the next generation to become exceptional individuals. We welcome you as part of our valued and vibrant community of thoughtful, brilliant content creators.…

3 mins read

Causes of Dizziness in Pregnancy

While dizziness during pregnancy may be cause for concern, this generally temporary lightheadedness is usually the result of a benign pregnancy-related cause. A lot is going on in your body when you are pregnant, and it can have an impact on your overall circulation. Often, this inhibited circulation leads to dizziness and, as a result, lightheadedness that is almost always temporary and little cause for concern. See your doctor for any protracted or worrisome bouts of dizziness or lightheadedness.

19 mins read

Protecting Kids From Sexual Abuse

As mothers, we often teach our young children about Stranger Danger and how to deal with the creepy man down the street. We instruct them on how to react to the man in the car who offers them candy or what to say to the person on the other end of the phone asking if their mommy or daddy is home.