2 mins read

Ideal Body Weight for Teens

Maintaining healthy body weight proves challenging for an ever-growing number of teens. Because teens are in such a state of growth and development, it can be easy for these youngsters to lose track of their ideal body weights and pack on the pounds. As a parent of a teenager, you can help guide your child toward healthy eating and monitor his growth to ensure that he doesn’t venture out of this ideal body weight range.

3 mins read

What Are The Best Educational Toys for 1 Year-Olds?

One-year-olds are transitioning from being babies to full-fledged toddlers. This is a time of discovery, independence and play. The best toys for 1-year-olds are ones that can be shared between child and parent—such as books that can be read together or blocks that a parent can stack and the child can knock down. Look for toys that stimulate the imagination. In general, the simpler the toy, the better. One-year-olds like to explore, discover and enjoy life. Your soon-to-be toddler will enjoy and benefit from one of these toys.