3 mins read

How Much Muscle Can Be Built in a Month?

If you’re new to strength training, you’ve probably asked: How much muscle can I gain—and how fast? The question matters, because unrealistic expectations may lead people to give up too soon. Some bodybuilders report adding as much as 10 lbs. of muscle in one month. Very few people will see results like that. Here’s some information to help you set realistic goals.

4 mins read

10 Best Foods to Build Muscle

There’s a lot of information out there about high-protein diets and how to build muscle by including more protein in your diet. However, not all sources of protein are created equal. Some protein sources will also fill you up with excessive calories and saturated fat. Stock your pantry with the foods listed below and make them essential components of your meals and snacks. You will give your muscles what they need without contributing to your fat stores.

3 mins read

Weightlifting for Women

You might spend hours swimming or running, but you still do not have the curves you hope for. Weightlifting is a good way to get cardiovascular exercise, and it tones and builds your muscles. Weight machines offer controlled, smooth resistance, which helps avoid injury. Free-weights are good for building the smaller supporting muscle groups that machines do not target. Join a friend when starting a weightlifting routine to keep you motivated and on track.