1 min read

Sunsweet Plum Amazins

When it comes to snacks, I always try to find treats that are not only healthy but also delicious! Sunsweet Plum Amazins provides the perfect balance between nutrition and taste. With fewer calories, half the sugar and 50% more fiber than your typical raisins or cranberries, Plum Amazins are full of nutritional benefits.

2 mins read

Dijon-Dill Salmon

Fish is a nutritional powerhouse! You dont have search long to find numerous studies that show the many nutritional benefits. Today, I am going to share with you an incredibly fast and easy recipe for Salmon. This idea came from watching Food Network a couple of weekends ago. It was raining outside and we were enjoying a relaxed morning while savouring a steaming cup of coffee. I wish I could remember which show I was watching. After searching I was unable to find it.

4 mins read

Why Is Yogurt Good for Women?

There are a number of practical reasons why yogurt should be included as a regular food source in a woman’s diet. Since calcium is needed for maintaining strong bones, women who do not meet the daily requirements for calcium are at greater risk for developing osteoporosis, which could eventually lead to bone fractures in the hip, spine or wrist. An 8-oz. cup of plain low-fat yogurt contains more calcium than an equal serving of milk, but you should choose a brand that is low in fat and calories and has few additives.