2 mins read

Nutritional Drinks for Children

Childhood nutrition is becoming an increasingly important issue. According to Healthy Children, almost 1 out of every 3 children in the United States is obese. While obesity levels may indicate a problem with eating habits, overall nutrition is a factor. MedlinePlus reports that a healthy diet helps to reduce obesity levels. As part of a child’s overall nutritional diet, drinks are a factor, and nutritional drinks should be considered as a factor in overall dietary intake.

3 mins read

Make Healthier Fast Food Choices

All of a sudden corporate giants are jumping on the health food bandwagon – touting new products as the newest discovery since sliced bread. Check out Mickey D’s new major campaign for their Real Fruit Smoothie. It’s great that you can drive-in and buy yourself a $2.29 smoothie, but buyer beware. Do you realize how many grams of sugar are in that 12 oz. drink? 42!!! That’s about 85% of your sugar intake for the day – based on daily intake of 2,000 calories. The good news is – it’s better than a soda with high fructose corn syrup, which of course, we all know should be outlawed. Don’t even get me started on “energy” bars. Here’s some helpful tips on eating fast food – because as Mickey D says “You deserve a break today”.

5 mins read

Planning & Packing Quick, Healthy Kid Lunches

With the kids back in school, the biggest benefit to busy parents is settling back into a nice routine. However, school also brings the dilemma of packing daily lunches. The morning rush is difficult enough, with showers, breakfast and last-minute scrambling to find the soccer cleats and get kids out the door and yourself off to work. It can be tempting to throw in convenient but poor nutritional choices, just because theyre fast.