4 mins read

Overcome Your Fears of the Dentist and Life

When we used to go to Great Adventure, Id be hesitant to go on the rollercoaster and my grandmother (dads momma) used to say the pearl whaaaaat? Whats the big deal, close your eyes real tight, scream your head off and before you know it, the ride is over. The Thrill of the Chase So that is exactly what I did and loved it. It added a new ‘Im scared out of my pants’ level of adventure. My fellow riders either joined in or laughed at me but I had a blast and found my courage in being scared.

3 mins read

10 Ways to Ward Off That Winter Cold!

We’ve all experienced it – the stuffy nose, sore throat, exhausted feeling that has you reaching for the thermometer. There’s nothing worse than getting bogged down with a bad cold, especially during the holiday season. So here are ten easy tips for fighting off winter colds: 1. Rest Your body needs lots of it! That means instead of running all those errands, you get yourself in bed. You need to save your energy in order for your immune system to get rid of that cold. 2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

3 mins read

Breathing Difficulties in Children

While taking a breath should be simple, some children struggle with difficulties that make taking in air more challenging. If your child seems to be exhibiting difficulty breathing, an assortment of causes could be at the root of this struggle. By exploring the potential breath-related challenges with which your child is dealing, you can more effectively help him overcome this struggle.