3 mins read

Paternity Tests While Pregnant

Doubts regarding the paternity of an unborn baby can transform a joyous pregnancy into a time of stress and strife. If you are pregnant and unsure as to the father of your child, or you simply want to prove to the man in your life that he has a baby on the way, you can accomplish this task in several ways. While potentially more complex than waiting until the arrival of your child, paternity testing while pregnant could, in some cases, prove the best choice.

2 mins read

About DNA Paternity Testing

For generations, identifying the father of a child was often only a matter of guesswork–the genetic code and the scientific methods used to isolate and identify it were unknown. In recent decades, a greater understanding of DNA has made it possible for the parents and close relatives of a child to be quickly and correctly identified. DNA paternity tests are an inexpensive and discreet way to determine a child’s father.