3 mins read

Birthday Party Ideas for Age 5

When your child turns 5-years-old, it is an exciting time for both a child and her parents. This is the age when most children begin school and learn to read and write. Suddenly, the child who was once a toddler is a big kid, with big kid abilities and responsibilities. Celebrate your child’s entrance into the big kid world by throwing her a birthday bash she will always remember.

2 mins read

Hair Lice in Children

The next time your child brings home a letter from school detailing the latest lice infestation, don’t panic. Common parasites, head lice infest the scalps of millions of children every year. According to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, children between the ages of 3 and 11 years account for six to 12 million cases of head lice infestations annually. These small insects can spread throughout schools and households.