4 mins read

Is Infertility Plaguing You? Know Your Options!

According to The Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Infertility is a disease that affects more than 7.3 million Americans, or 1 in 8 couples of childbearing age. The diagnosis of infertility is often very overwhelming for patients. Not only are they faced with the news that conceiving a child is only possible through medical treatment, they are also presented with information that is totally new to them. New medical jargon along with recommendations for treatments and tests that are completely unfamiliar can be very intimidating for the newly diagnosed.

4 mins read

Girls’ Night Out – Mommy Needs MeTime Too

Three beautiful words that always seem to light up the faces of whoever utters them. Back in the day, it meant putting on your favorite pair of Seven jeans and going on the prowl for Mr. Right-dancing the night away at your favorite club and eating Jack in the Box at three in the morning. And when I did find Mr. Right, I was so smitten that I was willing to gain seventy pounds, not …

9 mins read

The Logic Behind Genderless Parenting

Ive read countless blog posts, articles, arguments and have thrown myself into several face-to-face and twitter discussions regarding the latest parenting controversy genderless parenting. When it first came up, I thought what the hell is that? And when I found out that its when parents decide not to put any emphasis on what gender their child is, like parents Kathy Witterick and David Stocker who are raising their third child genderless, I was confused.