2 mins read

How to Reduce Cholesterol Intake

High levels of bad cholesterol are linked to certain medical conditions, such as stroke, heart attack and heart disease. While a large component of poor cholesterol levels is related to genetic makeup, that does not leave you powerless. By limiting your cholesterol intake, you give yourself a chance at a longer, healthier life. To limit your cholesterol intake effectively, it is important to understand what you need to avoid eating and also what to eat so that you will be left feeling satisfied.

4 mins read

Don’t Blame the Vending Machine!

Maybe it’s just me, but when I hear the phrase My lunch came from the vending machine, it doesn’t typically bring to mind images of health and happiness. Vending machine meals are what you do in college, during your first years in the work force as an underpaid and overworked entry level employee, or when youre low on time and running on empty. Chips, candy, soda… the glass-front dispensary has long been a symbol for all things junk food.

8 mins read

Tormented Tummy? 10 Best & Worst Foods for a Long-Term Fix

Getting a stomach ache is the WORST! The pain, or sometimes the feeling that you’re going to ralph at any second, is just another thing that moms have to deal with every once in a while in addition to the gazillion other tasks they must complete in a day. There’s no way to prevent those fluke tummy tumults–food poisoning, for example–that hit unexpectedly. There are, however, some general guidelines you can follow in order to stay as far away as possible from the other stuff–indigestion, constipation, gas, diarrhea, etc.