5 mins read

10 Rules To Empower and Protect Young Children From Potential Abuse

Whos afraid of the big, bad wolf? How about the boogeyman? Okay, good — so weve got those two covered! But how about the ice cream man, or the next door neighbor, or the after-school sports coach? Now, before you get mad at me for picking on those three, let me just say I have nothing against any of these community members! In fact, my daughter and I buy Fudgsicles from our local ice cream man at the park all the time, and I have a very cool next door neighbor.

2 mins read

What Are the Dangers of Ultrasounds & Pregnancy?

Ultrasounds aren’t a necessary part of ordinary prenatal care but may be desired by the expectant parents or even deemed medically necessary in the event of potential pregnancy complications, notes the American Pregnancy Association. This type of scan, also known as a sonogram, can be used throughout pregnancy to detect potentially dangerous conditions such as tubal pregnancy or fetal death. Ultrasounds can also be used to estimate delivery dates, check the mother’s reproductive system for any abnormalities and even to guess the future child’s sex. While ultrasounds are not considered extremely risky by medical institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, expectant moms should avoid them unless absolutely necessary.

4 mins read

Are Breast Enlargement Pills Dangerous?

Breast enlargement pills promise that you can go up a cup or two the natural way, with some marketers claiming that it only takes a month or two to notice pronounced results. But natural breast enhancement supplements, which contain a cocktail of herbs and other botanicals, may not be as safe as you think, says the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Moreover, they’re not likely to give you the eye-popping results you so desire.