3 mins read

Preventing Childhood Asthma

When you are going to have a baby, you want to give her the best possible start in life. Nearly 9 million children in the United States have asthma, which is a chronic lung disease that makes breathing difficult. As of 2010, the best parents can do for their children are to manage symptoms to help prevent asthma attacks, but researchers are working on finding factors that can lead to preventing the disease.

2 mins read

Mold Allergies & Asthma

Mold, that nasty, neon growth in the back of the fridge or along the shower, can sometimes be more than annoyance. Mold can cause serious allergies, leading to breathing problems such as asthma. If you notice breathing problems in yourself or your family members, address any visible mold and see a doctor to look for a specific strategy to minimize risk.

2 mins read

Over-the-Counter Allergy Help

Just because you suffer from allergies doesn’t mean that you have to accept seasonal periods of discomfort. Finding relief from your allergy symptoms doesn’t even require a doctor’s visit. Instead of heading to your M.D. every time your allergies kick up, select from an assortment of over-the-counter allergy relief options to ease your symptoms and make your seasonal allergies a bit easier to bear.

2 mins read

Pollen Allergy Home Remedy

If your eyes are watering, your skin is itching and your nose just won’t stop running and sneezing, pollen allergies may be your worst enemy. If all those blooming flowers and blossoming bushes and trees are giving you nightmares, put up a defense against those pollen powers and don’t let them stand in your way.