7 mins read

An Update on the IEP Procedure

This blog is a follow-up to an earlier blog (from this year) that discussed signing your IEP document. The IEP meeting (one which determines the Individualized Educational Program for a child with a disability) can be a long and exhausting meeting. In this blog, Iʼm not going to go into the meeting itself, but instead…

4 mins read

How to Make a Safety Plan for Your Family

Is your family prepared for an emergency? Making sure you have a safety plan in place can make an enormous difference in the event that a natural disaster hits. In fact, your survival could depend on it. Especially since during a time of disaster, youre not likely to have time or be in the proper frame of mind to deal with the unexpected. Here are some ways to make sure you’re prepared: 1. Make sure youre able to receive warnings and updates, be aware of your areas street evacuation routes. There are different ways to receive warnings and updates:

2 mins read

Examples of C-Section Birth Plans

Cesarean sections, or C-sections, are major surgical procedures that are performed either in an emergency or planned because of abnormalities or risks with vaginal births. Whether you are planning to have the C-section well in advance or it’s a last-minute option, you should have a plan to have the delivery you want.

2 mins read

Advice for Men Going Through a Divorce

Divorce isn’t easy for women or men. If you are dating a man who is going through a divorce, you can suffer right along with him. You might be able to help him if you understand some of what he is experiencing and by possibly giving him some advice. This can help him out and might smooth your relationship, too. Similarly, if you have a male friend who is going through a divorce, he might welcome some friendly advice.