3 mins read

New Year Saving Resolutions

So, 2010 is almost complete. Did you have financial goals that you did not meet? Do you have new goals for 2011? At Momsfunmoney.com we are all about finding sources to be smarter shoppers and earn a little “Fun Money”. With a little time it can add up! I am passionate about sharing what I have learned with others. It is amazing what is available today to help you become better savers and earners. Here are a few of my suggestions to start your new year off on a good foot.

2 mins read

What is the best way to make resolutions and stick with them

The best way to make resolutions is to determine what you want and can realistically change. It has to be something you want to do otherwise you WILL falter and fail. Be Specific: Once you decide on what you want to do, be specific in your resolution/goal: instead of I want to lose weight, make your resolution more specific like I will exercise and diet to reach a goal weight of X. Instead of I want to save money this year try I will save $X per quarter for a total of at least $X for this year.

2 mins read

Taking 10 Minutes a Day for Top 10 New Year’s Resolutions

First, before I begin, let me say Im going to call these aspirations instead of resolutions — you may think Im splitting hairs but try it yourself and youll see what I mean. First say, My new years resolution is to get in shape and now say, My new years aspiration is to get in shape. Doesnt the second feel much more hopeful and full of promise? Resolution has failure written all over it — or at least fear and disappointment. OK, enough with my hokey semantics (but really I mean it!)

4 mins read

New approach to New Year’s resolutions

With less than one week to go, millions of people are already dreading the words New Year’s resolutions. Studies show that forty-five percent of all Americans set resolutions. However one out of four never succeed in these resolutions. And thirty percent of all resolutions are broken within the first month. Not very comforting is it? It can be a bit discouraging if you fail to achieve your resolutions year after year. Do you know the definition of insanity? It is doing the same thing over and over, yet expecting different results.