2 mins read

Kegel Exercises for Better Sex

Kegel exercises work your pelvic floor muscles, which can lead to better sex. Both men and women are able to perform Kegel exercises. Properly doing your Kegel exercises requires dedication. You’ll need to do them daily for at least a month before you notice results. Once you feel the difference, though, you will know that it is well worth the effort.

3 mins read

How to Talk to a Daughter About Sex

While few parents relish the experience, talking to your daughter about sex is a must. Many moms lament having to approach this sensitive topic as it means that their little bundle of joy is growing up and may begin to engage in experimentation that could have long-lasting ramifications. Talking to your daughter about sex will never be a comfortable experience, but it is vital that you tackle the topic, no matter how difficult, to ensure that your kiddo has the information she needs to stay safe.