15 mins read

ModernMom’s Guidelines for Our Valued Content Contributors

At Modern Mom, our core values revolve around leaving a positive impact on the world, treating others as we'd like to be treated, and serving as role models for our children, nurturing the next generation to become exceptional individuals. We welcome you as part of our valued and vibrant community of thoughtful, brilliant content creators.…

3 mins read

Infected Pierced Ears in Children

While earrings can make your little girls’ ear lobes more beautiful, if they are untended to, these piercings can become a source of infection. To ensure that your child’s earrings remain a thing of beauty, and not a source of pain, check her ears for infection regularly. If your child is old enough to monitor her own ear health, allow her to play a part by teaching her both how to spot, and how to avoid, ear piercing-related infections.