3 mins read

Comparison of Early Pregnancy Tests

If you are trying to get pregnant or suspect that you might be pregnant, finding out for sure is a top priority. Many home pregnancy tests claim to provide accurate results the earliest, but which of these really lives up to its claim? Learn how home pregnancy tests work, and find out which of these popular brands is most reliable and which ones should be avoided.

3 mins read

Teenage Conduct Disorder

All teenagers will act up or misbehave at some point or another. Rebellion and testing boundaries can be a normal part of maturing and reaching adulthood. In some cases though, rebellion and disruptive behavior can signal a problem that stretches beyond the usual teenage antics. Up to 16 percent of all teenagers have conduct disorder, a type of mental illness, according to WebMD. Teenagers with conduct disorder exhibit extremely aggressive behavior that puts themselves and others at risk.

3 mins read

Teen Alcohol Poisoning

Many teens approach alcohol consumption with the same feelings of invincibility with which they move through life. A night of drinking with friends may start out as fun, but it can easily end in disaster. Although teens often fail to realize it, alcohol poisoning can result from this overindulgence and lead to serious injury or even death.