4 mins read

Tips For Managing a Large Family

Swim practice, basketball practice, soccer, choir oh my! With six active children there is rarely a dull moment in my house. I can't even begin to imagine what our lives will look like when they are all participating in some sort of extracurricular activity. You know, if I had a dollar for every time I…

6 mins read

Why Gwyneth Has A Point

Gwyneth Paltrows smug smirk, flat stomach, and shiny keratin-straight hair all make my stomach twist. Even before last weeks Im the actress who is more clueless than George H.W. Bush gaffe about working vs. starlet moms, we all had plenty of reason to despise her. For Gods sake, she was engaged to Brad Pitt before his scruffy goatee days. She got to wake up next to THAT back in his …

4 mins read

Warning: Kids Don’t Make You Happy

Sheesh, did they really have to do research to figure out this one?Any mom can answer this question without doing all that number-crunching: of course kids do not make you happy. For the simple reason that children are not supposed to make you happy. Making parents happy is not kids' job. Thank God for all of…

13 mins read

March Astrology

Dear everyone, here comes March and what do we have? The Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Neptune, Chiron, all swimming in the emotional waterworld of the ocean god. This is just how last month ended, with Mercury and Saturn retrograde, causing us to look backwards and review and re-investigate various details and make some changes.