3 mins read

How Much Weight Should a Baby Gain?

The tiny newborn you hold in your arms will grow an impressive amount her first year of life. According to Nemours Foundation, most babies triple their birth weight and grow in length by around 50 percent. Healthy babies enter the world in a variety of weights and sizes. Medical experts offer guidelines on how much weight your baby should gain.

2 mins read

Weight Loss After Pregnancy

Now that you have replaced that pregnancy glow for an exhausted sheen, you might be eager to shed the weight you carried around with that baby. Be wise about your postpartum weight loss. Anything too extreme or too intense could cause harm to you and your baby or could cause a set back in your steady weight loss.

3 mins read

Fast Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

The arrival of a new baby is a joyous occasion. However, the excess pregnancy weight around your waist is not so joyful. Between midnight feedings, bathing, dressing and general care of a newborn, there is not much time to focus on weight loss. Don’t despair. Here are some simple tips on how to lose the weight safely and easily. You will be back in those skinny jeans before you know it.