Fast Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy
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Fast Ways to Lose Weight After Pregnancy

The arrival of a new baby is a joyous occasion. However, the excess pregnancy weight around your waist is not so joyful. Between midnight feedings, bathing, dressing and general care of a newborn, there is not much time to focus on weight loss. Don’t despair. Here are some simple tips on how to lose the weight safely and easily. You will be back in those skinny jeans before you know it.


First of all, give yourself a break. You just carried a baby inside your body for more than nine months. It took a while to put on the weight. It is going to take a while to take it off. So take a breath. Enjoy your baby. And most importantly, be grateful to your body, whatever your weight.


Being exhausted does not help when you are trying to lose weight. In fact, the more tired you are, the more food you grab to refuel. Forget about the 100 chores that need to get done. Sleep whenever you can.


If you are breastfeeding, you’re burning calories, which leads to weight loss. Think of it as a win-win situation for mother and baby. However, keep in mind that it is important to eat properly while breastfeeding just as it was when you were pregnant.

Don’t Diet

Make it easy for yourself. You have enough on your mind looking after the new baby. Instead of dieting, focus on eating nourishing whole foods like fruits and vegetables and steer away from cookies, sodas and processed foods.

Get Moving

As soon as you get the OK from your doctor to exercise, start moving. Not only will it help you lose weight, but it also can help you deal with mood swings associated with postpartum depression. No need to run a marathon just yet. Even pushing your baby in the stroller can get your heart rate pumping. Add some squats and push-ups on the walk, and now you are really burning calories and toning muscles.

Mommy Playdate

Having a newborn can be lonely. Find a friend with a baby who is also trying to get back in shape. Take turns looking after the babies while you go for a run or walk. Or bring the babies along and get a little adult interaction while working out.

Be Flexible

Prepare yourself to be flexible, and not the “touching your toes” type of flexible. Being a parent means getting used to not doing things exactly how you planned them. If your baby wakes up early from a nap, you might not have time for the exercise video. You might just have to be creative and come up with a game that includes doing 20 jumping jacks to make your baby stop crying.

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