7 mins read

Too Old For Training Wheels!

Maybe Im old fashioned, but I feel that there are certain basic, life skills that all people should acquire during childhood. For example, tying shoelaces would be one of them. So would cutting food with a knife and fork. Also, the theme of my post today, learning to ride a bike. Oh, Lord.

3 mins read

Baby Intellectual Development

During his first years of life, your baby will develop significantly, changing from a malleable, albeit adorable, lump to a walking, talking little person. Newborns move through a series of intellectual developmental stages during their first years. As your baby moves through the world around her, she is constantly learning and evolving, becoming more aware of the things around her daily.

2 mins read

Baby Einstein Toy Reviews

Baby Einstein has long been a leader in the world of educational baby toys. These toys are designed to help parents and babies discover the world together with interactive experiences for the family. Baby Einstein toys use music, art and real-life objects and experiences to encourage babies to explore the world around them. Here are a few favorites for your babys first year.