3 mins read

Are Olives Good for Lowering LDL Cholesterol?

Your body needs some fat to function properly. While some types of fat, such as trans fat and saturated fat can be harmful, other types of fat, such as polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, can actually help you. If you have high cholesterol, you may be able to lower it by adjusting your diet and eating more foods that contain monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, such as olives and olive oil.

5 mins read

Preventive Exercise Based on Your Blood Type

You simply cannot attain your potential for health without exercise. The human body requires movement and the proper type of exertion. Just as your eating regimen should be based on your blood type and subtype, so should your exercise program. Strenuous exercise is perfect for Os, good for Bs and detrimental to As. All proper exercises are wonderful for:

3 mins read

Normal Cholesterol Levels for Women

Cholesterol affects your body differently than it does a man’s body. This could be, in part, to your estrogen levels. High estrogen, like the levels you produce during your most fertile years, raises good cholesterol and reduces heart disease risk, according to the American Heart Association. On the flip side, women have higher triglyceride levels than men, as a general rule. A heart-healthy lifestyle and medication can help you get your total cholesterol to a safe level and keep it there.

3 mins read

The Best Statin for Reducing Cholesterol

Statins are a class of prescription drugs used to treat high cholesterol, a condition in which fatty deposits build up in your blood stream and along your arteries. You may be able to reduce your cholesterol simply by making extreme changes in diet and lifestyle; however, according to MayoClinic.com, if a statin is the only treatment that works for you, using this medication is a lifelong commitment. The best statin for reducing cholesterol is the medication your doctor prescribes.

2 mins read

Does Fish Oil Lower Cholesterol Levels?

Health fads come and go. Some are tastier than others. Fish oil may not be your first choice for a midafternoon or late-night snack, but it can offer some short-term and long-term benefits that just might change your mind. The next time you get a hankering for a treat, think fish.