4 mins read

Autism and On-Line Etiquette

Autism and On-Line Etiquette My son is an on-line gamer. Recently, he’s been playing this Risk-like game that takes place in Europe and can be a multi-player game. He likes doing the multi-player because he can occasionally get a player or two from Europe. The game can have up to thirty players at a time.…

5 mins read

Autism and Hotel Fire Alarms

Autism and Hotel Fire Alarms Pre-pandemic, my husband, son, and I had a visit to the bay area. We stayed at a fairly nice hotel in downtown Oakland. We had an unusual experience in this hotel, and I learned something about my son. What happened? The hotel has twenty-one floors. Our room was on the…

2 mins read

Most Popular Family Board Games

Along with providing hours of family fun, board games are intellectually and emotionally stimulating for children. As Scholastic reports, playing board games with your children helps them develop their mental skills and teaches them the basics of cooperation. Instead of spending yet another night glued to the flashing lights on the TV, trade this sedentary leisure activity for a rousing family game and allow your children to reap the benefits.