3 mins read

How To Get Energized First Thing in the Morning

With fall just around the corner and school starting back up, its the perfect time to talk about uplifting routines. I love summer, but Im actually ready to get some more routine back in my life again, you? There is one simple way I start off my day to maximize my energy in the morning. Its so straightforward anyone can do it. I recommend everyone give it a try for 2 weeks …

6 mins read

Pelvic Pain Recovery Through Yoga: One Mom’s Success Story

In a recent three-part series, I shared the story of Kate,a physical therapist and mother of two working diligently to overcome serious pelvic girdle pain (PGP).In Part 3 of that series, Idiscussed the benefits of using yoga for pelvic pain relief, especially for myalgia or hypertonicity of the pelvic floor muscles, which occurs in vaginismus. Myalgia is also known as non-relaxing pelvic floor.Symptoms of nonrelaxing pelvic floor dysfunction are associated with …

2 mins read

Becoming Stronger Through Divorce

The effects of divorce are profound. Not unlike death or a life threatening illness, divorce pushes the boundaries of what most people think they can tolerate in terms of emotional struggle. While life greatest challenges seem unbearable when they are happening, research shows that there may be benefits to building your adversity muscles.

8 mins read

Dealing with Depression

Depression is an epidemic that is affecting countless people who don’t even realize that they are suffering from it. If they do realize they are suffering from it, they generally don’t want to seek help as they feel it’s a social no-no, and others will think less of them for it. Or, they simply don’t know where to turn. Allow me to share my battle with depression and hope that it helps even one person in the process.