2 mins read

Can Certain Hair Products Cause Hair Loss in Men?

Many men notice a decrease in scalp hair as they age. Thinning hair and baldness have a variety of causes, ranging from heredity to the use of certain products. Determining what is causing your hair loss is the first step in identifying and treating this condition. In some instances, changing your styling techniques and switching your hair care products may help solve your problem.

2 mins read

Vitamins for Tiredness in Women

For moms, it can be a challenge to keep up with kids. Once your baby begins walking — and don’t forget running — keeping up can become more of a challenge. Being tired can complicate the matter even further. While you can’t bottle your child’s energy, you can find vitamins designed to help you combat tiredness. Be sure to review your plans to take vitamins with your physician.

2 mins read

Tips on Packing for Air Travel

Packing for any trip presents a challenge, but packing for air travel is even more difficult, as you must ensure that your luggage meets airline regulations or risk fines and airport security hassles. As you prepare to take to the air for your next escape, keep in mind a few basic air travel packing tips to ensure that your experience is as positive, and hassle free, as possible.