5 mins read

Three Things To Consider As Fathers in the Digital Age

It would be no exaggeration to say that the Internet has totally changed the way we communicate and connect with one another. This is true of friends, business associates and families. When used well, the Internet allows us to communicate and connect more meaningfully with those around us. However, if we are not careful, the…

7 mins read

Ways To Use A Tablet As A Family Hub

This post is in partnership with Huawei and written by Jen Rattie. As our kids have grown older, managing their schedules plus our own has been challenging for my husband and I. We have tried many ways to organize all our activities – post-it notes, wall calendars and even a family organizer binder. None of…

2 mins read

Gaming 101 for “Me Time”

The following post is sponsored by DoubleDown Casino. Somehow, online social gaming ends up being an integral part of my day.  I have a handful of kids and with all of the waiting around I do at sports events and appointments, I often grab my iPhone and poke around social gaming apps and websites. At night…

3 mins read

Learn How to Forgive

Who or what do you need to forgive? I know forgiveness may seem like one of those intangible ideals thats just out of reach or a waste of time. But, its not. You can make the choice to forgive. And by making that decision, you can move forward on your path.

2 mins read

Autism Books for Parents

According to the MayoClinic.com, autism, a serious developmental problem that usually appears before children are 3 years old, affects the way children communicate and interact with others, including their parents. Along with utilizing school and community resources, reading books can provide parents with ideas on how to best understand and support their children.