3 mins read

The Precautions Women Should Take in Internet Dating

The online dating world gives you more options, but finding a date online also presents safety risks. While many members of online dating sites are honest and well-intentioned, others prey on women or don’t present themselves honestly. Internet dating precautions reduce the chances of putting yourself into a risky situation with someone you meet online.

3 mins read

Internet Tips for Parents

With cyber bullies and Internet predators making the news on a regular basis, parents may be tempted to deny their kids any access to the Internet. However, kids are going to be exposed to the Internet through school and through their friends. And a complete ban by parents may make children hide their Internet activities, putting them more at risk. Instead of banning Internet use, join your child on the Internet to keep him safe.

5 mins read

Internet Dating Tips for Women

Internet dating is booming. Whether via online matchmaking sites, social networking sites, online personals listings or online chat rooms, men and women are meeting potential friends, lovers and lifetime mates online. If you’re thinking that online dating is a poor second cousin to meeting somebody in real life, consider these statistics: One of the biggest free dating sites in the U.S., PlentyOfFish.com, has received up to a million visitors in a single day, and Jupiter Research estimates the Internet dating industry will take in almost $2 billion in revenue by the year 2012. Why is Internet dating so popular? While it’s true that you can’t absorb certain details about a potential significant other simply from an online meeting, Internet dating offers benefits over real-life first meetings, the major one being that looking for love on the Internet opens the playing field to more people than you could ever hope to consider otherwise. Internet dating can be safe and extremely rewarding, if you keep certain tips in mind.

5 mins read

Internet and Your Kids: Can’t Beat ‘Em, Join ‘Em

A large part of your childs worldtheir culture, experiences, and social sceneconsists of the Internet. Some parents today are quick to write off the Internet as a bad influence. I cannot help but recall when a not-so-distant generation of parents wrote off rock-and-roll music as a bad influence, too. Nothing has changed. While there are dangers to be aware of, we completely alienate our children when, out of ignorance, we fear the technology that is so entangled with their lives. The fact is that the Internet is largely a positive influence, providing many positive experiences in the social development of children today. These experiences will equip them for a professional world now dominated by the same technology.

4 mins read

Cons of the South Beach Diet

The South Beach Diet itself and the book with the same name may be best-sellers, but not everyone is sold on the South Beach Diet. The probable reason for people having success with it is because calories are controlled, and whenever you eat fewer calories than you burn, you will lose weight, according to Go Ask Alice, Columbia University’s Health Internet Service.