2 mins read

Proper Diet for Infertility Acupuncture

If you are having trouble getting pregnant, acupuncture may help you to conceive. Acupuncture is a part of Traditional Chinese Medicine, dealing with releasing energy blockages in your body. Your acupuncturist may suggest that you also follow a diet for infertility. This involves eating foods that help support your energy flow, making it easier for you to become pregnant.

2 mins read

Pregnancy pH-Balanced Diet

Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy helps ensure that you and your baby get the nutrition you need. A pH-balanced diet works with the pH levels of your body as a way to monitor whether you are at optimal health during your pregnancy. Some experts, like Esme Stevens, the founder of Raw Food Europe, believe that following a pH-balanced diet can reduce some negative pregnancy symptoms, like feeling tired.

3 mins read

Can Yo-Yo Dieting Affect Your Fertility?

Nearly all of us have wanted to drop a couple of pounds at some point in our lives. Unfortunately, many women learned about dreaded “d” word even before they knew their multiplication tables…. but did you know that dieting at a young age can have serious health consequences? In fact, drastic weight changes and excessive dieting can even be associated with problems getting pregnant and even infertility. Here are a few reasons why yo-yo dieting may be to blame for pregnancy struggles: Disruptions in Ovulation