5 mins read

10 Rules To Empower and Protect Young Children From Potential Abuse

Whos afraid of the big, bad wolf? How about the boogeyman? Okay, good — so weve got those two covered! But how about the ice cream man, or the next door neighbor, or the after-school sports coach? Now, before you get mad at me for picking on those three, let me just say I have nothing against any of these community members! In fact, my daughter and I buy Fudgsicles from our local ice cream man at the park all the time, and I have a very cool next door neighbor.

3 mins read

The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Reading The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment by Eckhart Tolle felt like a gift. It is nearly impossible to sum up how I feel about this book, other than to say I wholeheartedly recommend it. If you allow yourself to enter into its pages with a truly open mind and heart, the ability to walk away from the book with great wisdom and a true sense of peace is at your finger tips.