How to Treat Sun Poisoning in Children
When you venture out into the sun with your child, you certainly don’t expect problems. If your child experiences overexposure, however, it just might. Sun poisoning is a potentially serious medical condition that results from overexposure to the sun. This ailment is particularly common during the hot summer months when the sun’s rays are at their most intrusive. This condition, which commonly accompanies severe sunburn, requires specialized treatment.
Step 1
Watch for signs of sun poisoning. Children who are suffering from sun poisoning commonly exhibit fever and fatigue. They may also bear a red rash or small blisters. Sudden bouts of dizziness with no apparent causes are also commonly indicative of sun poisoning.
Step 2
Get the child out of the sun. If your child remains in the sun, this condition will likely only increase in severity. Take your child inside or, if you are not in a location where you can get inside quickly, seek refuge under a tree or other shady object.
Step 3
Provide the child with water to drink. Encourage your child to sip the provided water; guzzling will likely only result in discomfort or even vomiting.
Step 4
Give the child a cool bath. Do this as soon as possible. Allow the child to soak in the cool tub for at least 30 minutes. If the water warms up as a result of an accompanying sunburn, empty the tub and refill it to ensure that your child sits in cool water to help reduce his core temperature.
Step 5
Take the child to see a medical professional. If your child’s symptoms do not abate, visit his pediatrician or an emergency room. While, in most instances, simple home treatment can reverse the effects of sun poisoning. If the poisoning is severe, it may require medical treatment.
Step 6
Keep the child out of the direct sunlight for one week following the poisoning incident. Your child will be prone to a sun-poisoning relapse during this time, so sun avoidance is the best course of action.
Step 7
Prevent future sun poisoning by keeping your child indoors during the heat of the day. Children are most likely to experience sun poisoning when the sun is brightest, between 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. If your child has previously experienced sun poisoning, it may mean that he is more susceptible to the development of the condition than other children, so keeping him out of the sun during these times, or taking strides to protect him from the impact of the UV rays, is likely the best course of action.