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Arabic Names for Baby Girls

When seeking a name for your daughter, you may want to consider something a bit less common. By picking an Arabic name, you can give your child a name that is steeped in historical significance. You can select from an array of Arabic names when picking the perfect moniker for your little princess. Before settling on your name, explore and consider these classic Arabic options.


This Arabic name is increasingly common in the Western world. This lilting name means “lofty, sublime, exalted,” making it reflective of the superiority which you likely feel your child possesses.


If the first thing you did upon learning that you were bearing a beautiful baby girl was smile, consider selecting the name Basma for your delight-inducer. This name comes from an Arabic word meaning “a smile,” making it an ideal choice for a baby whose mere presence lights up your life.


Give your baby an Arabic name with the connotation of strength by selecting Cala. This name means “castle, stronghold,” making it also indicative of regalness and particularly appropriate for a little princess.


Parents who like nothing more than sitting down with a good book may want to consider the name Adiba. This name means “literate, cultured,” reflecting your love of books and your desire for your child to share the passion.


The common name Eleanor is originally of Arabic roots. This name means “pity,” making it a wise choice for the child that you hope develops a defined sense of empathy and understanding.


If you want your daughter to be stronger than most, consider selecting the name Fadia. That name comes from an Arabic work meaning “protects others,” giving it a powerful and protective quality.


If you, like most mothers, experienced elation upon learning that you were pregnant, consider picking a name reflective of this joy. Select the Arabic name Farah, as it means “joyful.” Not only does this name express how you felt when you found out you were going to be a mommy, it is also reflective of how you hope your child feels all of the days of her life.


If you long wished for a child before you had one, select the name Munya. This name means “a wish,” representing the fact that you desired your daughter long before she was even born.

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