Become a Safe Support System For Your Kid
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Become a Safe Support System For Your Kid

The kids are back in school, so hopefully you are getting back into a routine. Yet, you still might be feeling frazzled. With older children comes more issues and ‘transitional periods’. Things may be going on at school that you are unaware of, and tension may rise between you and your child. The home is a safe haven where children may act out what really is a by-product of problems at school. August and September, when school is just beginning, is a great time to open up the lines of communication between you and your children, as well as you and their teachers. Also, look for subtle changes that may be hiding a lingering, larger problem. Back to school can be a confusing and scary for kids. As stressed out and tense as YOU may feel, put yourself in their shoes first. Become a support system for them so that they know you will always be there, no matter what.

Connect with your Children

Talk, talk, and talk some more.Talk with your children often, letting them know you care and are always approachable. Asking your children how they are doing and what is going on in their life is vital in keeping the lines of communication open. Try not to assume they are ok or just “going through a phase”. Let them know you are truly interested. Make a commitment this week to get more involved in their lives. They will be grateful that their parents care so much about them.

Quality Time

Make a commitment to spend one-on-one time with your children, even in the middle of all the craziness and activities. Your children will feel important and valued. No matter how busy your schedule, it’s important to make time for your kids. Even if it’s something as simple as grabbing a Starbucks or froyo together, it will make a difference.

Use Resources

Always use resources available to you. If problems arise, seek guidance from school, therapists or others that have been in your situation, such as friends with kids or even your own parents. There are always tools available. This week, try putting together a “resource packet” of individuals you may contact if need be.

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