3 mins read

Brain Food for Toddlers

While the food you feed you toddler is primarily intended to give him the get-up-and-go he requires to carry out his daily activities, the meals you select may also play a large part in his development. During this stage of growth, your child’s brain is maturing at a rapid rate. Because so much brain construction is underway, it is vital that you feed him a diet conducive to brain development. When picking his meals, consider the components required for proper brain development.

5 mins read

How to Balance Children and Technology

In the modern age of texts, tweets, and status updates, it is of utmost importance that parents maintain open lines of face-to-face, soul-to-soul communication with their children. This does not mean resisting a highly technological world that is not going away, but rather continually exploring new ways to connect with one another both on and beyond the keyboard.