5 mins read

With All The New Classroom Rules, Can I Make New House Rules?

My children came home from their first days of school so full of excitement!I started thinking about our home life as I listened to them talk about the expectations their teachers had for them – knowing full well that my children really will do everything above and beyond necessary to please their teachers. Maybe I should see if my children would pretend that I was a new teacher, and we were starting fresh with some new rules which they could follow as happily as they follow their new classroom rules.

1 min read

The Miracle of You

When in doubt, let love be your guide. Underneath all pain love always exists. The challenge in life is digging deep enough to find the eternal spring no matter how heavy the layers of pain. Simply knowing that love exists, and having faith in love, are the first steps towards healing. As humans we often suffer or lose our way, but it is in remembering love that peace and joy can be found.