2 mins read

Smoking While Pregnant

Smoking during pregnancy is more than an unhealthy habit. It can cause serious complications for the mother, such as placental abruption, as well as lifelong complications for the baby. Cigarettes contain more than 4,000 toxic chemicals including cyanide, lead and numerous cancer-causing compounds, such as nicotine. These chemicals pose dangerous health risks that every mother should take seriously.

1 min read

How to Read QuickVue Pregnancy Test Results

When you are pregnant, you and your baby join together via an organ known as the placenta. The placenta produces a hormone known as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG). The presence of hCG in your body is detectable in your blood stream and in your urine. The QuickVue pregnancy test, manufactured by Quidel Corporation, is a one-step urine test that only requires three drops of urine in the sample well to produce a result.

2 mins read

Punjabi Baby Girl Names

The Punjab people live in the land situated between India and Pakistan. This area is home to an array of rich cultural practices and an assortment of meaningful baby names. If the Middle East has proved a source of fascination for you, or if you have a tie to the Punjab people, selecting a Punjabi name for your new baby is a wise choice.

3 mins read

Autism and High School

Well, here it is, I can’t believe this is happening, but today I helped my son apply for high school. What did we do? In our local area, our high school is very respectable. It carries high honors from academics to athletics, and is has a very good reputation. However, it is a very large…