Organic Food & Child Development
Moms all over the world tell their children to eat their vegetables. While a well balanced diet including lots of healthy fruits and vegetables is necessary for healthy development, recent research has indicated that organic food is much healthier for babies and children.
Health Risk
Per pound of body weight, babies consume about 60 times more fruits and vegetables than adults consume. That means that whatever pesticides or pollutants are contaminating the food, babies and children are getting large quantities of unhealthy chemicals. Toxins can interfere with growth and development and may even lead to disease later in life.
What Do Toxins in Food Do?
Research indicates that toxins in food can impair a child’s cognitive development, cause aggressive behavior, impair the immune system, cause reproductive problems and possibly cause diseases such as cancer.
Why Organic Food?
Organic foods have been grown and processed without the use of synthetic fertilizers or pesticides. As a result, not only do organic foods taste better, but they are healthier.
What to Buy
In order to limit your child’s exposure to toxins, it is wise to buy organic meat, poultry, eggs and dairy and most fruits and vegetables. Farmer’s markets and the organic section of the local supermarket carry organic options. Sometimes organic foods are more costly than non-organic foods. It is often wise to shop around to seek out the best options.