Healthy Carbohydrate Diet Plans
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Healthy Carbohydrate Diet Plans

Carbohydrates are essential to the body since they a source of energy. However, too much carbohydrate intake can lead to obesity and other health-related problems, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. There are many diet plans promoted as “low-carb” diets that many people try to follow in order to lose weight and lead healthier lives. It is important to note, however, that lowering is not enough on its own. Combined with a high-protein or low-fat diet along with regular exercise works best to promote a healthier lifestyle.

Whole Grains


A healthy carbohydrate diet plan should consist of carbohydrates from whole grains. In choosing a wheat product, darker is better. Eating whole-wheat breads as opposed to white bread is better, and so is eating brown rice as opposed to white rice. There is also whole-wheat pasta that you can use to replace the regular pasta to make your spaghetti or any meal with pasta. Oat bran and whole-grain cereals for breakfast are healthier choices than regular cereals with high sugar content. Whole grains are high in fiber that promotes easier digestion of foods, therefore, fewer amounts of stored carbohydrates that turn into fats.

Low Carbohydrates

Healthy Meal

Quite a few fad diets promote low carbohydrates). The Atkins Diet and South Beach Diet are two of the most popular diet plans that utilize low carbohydrates. These diet plans restrict carbohydrate intake sufficiently to cause ketosis, making the diet plans as ketogenic.
For a low-carbohydrate diet to be beneficial, if should promote eating a very low number of carbohydrates each day, along with high amounts of protein. An example of a low-carbohydrate diet is a meal consisting of a piece of whole-wheat bread, a piece of lean meat with similar size and thickness as the size of your palm, and a serving of fruits and vegetables.

Fruits and Vegetables


People may not consider fruits and vegetables as carbohydrates, but many of them are. For example, apples and potatoes have carbohydrates in them. Sugar is also a carbohydrate, and fruits have natural sugars in them. Some people eat fruits and vegetables alone on most parts of the day, especially during snack times. Known as a fruit or vegetable diet, it promotes cleansing of the body due to the high fiber content of most fruits and vegetables. Peeled baby carrots and apples have carbohydrates in them. The vitamins found in them, and when taken without added sugars, make them healthier choices than chocolate cakes and ice creams. Reduce the amount of serving when eating potatoes. For example, a piece of baked potato without butter is filling enough even without brown rice or a piece of bread during mealtime.

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