Pilates Exercises for Couples
1 min read

Pilates Exercises for Couples

Okay, you don’t think sweat is sexy, but learning to help each other exercise, and have great, toned bodies as a result is sexy. Plus, you build confidence, respect and intimacy as you learn the moves and go through your routine together. And shopping for new lingerie after a few weeks of regular work-outs is definitely a side benefit.

Standing Push-Ups

Stand back-to-back with feet flat on the floor. One of you holds the middle of the exercise band, the other holds the two ends. Inhale, hold in your abs, then exhale and extend arms to full-length. Stay steady without rocking and inhale. Then return your arms to a bent position. Do 8 to 10 reps for one set.

Thigh Toner

Stand next to each other. One end of the exercise band should be tied around each partner’s outside ankle. Hold hands, inhale and tighten abs. Then exhale and extend the outer leg straight out to the side. Inhale and lower the leg. Repeat this 8 to 10 times. Then switch legs and repeat 8 to 10 times for one full set.

Glute Toner

Stand facing each other, about an arm’s length apart. The exercise band should be tied around opposite ankles (his left, your right). Hold onto each others arms for balance, but don’t lean! Inhale and pull in the abs. Then exhale and lift the leg with the band straight back. Don’t arch your back. Inhale and lower the leg. Repeat this 8 to 10 times, switch legs and repeat 8 to 10 more times for a full set.

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