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Natural Herbs for Lowering Triglycerides

Triglycerides are fatty cells which contribute to the formation of high levels of bad cholesterol and are linked to heart disease. It’s important to watch your triglyceride levels and keep them low to help maintain overall heart health. Fortunately, there are natural ways to do so.

What Are Triglycerides?

According to AmericanHeart.org, triglycerides are a form of fat which exists in fat cells and in blood plasma in the body. When excess calories are consumed (more than can be used as energy by the body at that time), they are converted to triglycerides, which the body then forms in fat cells. Triglycerides also combine with carbohydrates to form plasma lipids in the blood. Excess triglycerides in blood plasma are linked with coronary artery disease. Keeping triglycerides to a lower level is an important part of preventative heart health care.


AyurvedicCure.com cites a 12-week study in which participants taking the herbal supplement Guggul experienced a 25 percent drop in triglyceride level. Another study showed a 12 percent drop in triglyceride levels, though not all studies have shown the same kind of drop. Guggul has potential side-effects, such as dermatological sensitivity, so it’s best to consult your health care practitioner before taking Guggul.


Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center’s website discusses fenugreek as a potential herbal ally in the fight against high triglycerides. In one study, partipants who took fenugreek saw a drop in triglycerides as well as in LDL cholesterol levels. Common side effects of fenugreek are flatulence and diarrhea.


An article from MotherNature.com shares that garlic is a great resource in lowering triglycerides, and it’s perhaps the easiest to incorporate into a normal diet. No pills or tablets necessary; just eat one to three fresh cloves of garlic per day, according to Yu-Yan Yeh, Ph.D., and you can see triglyceride levels drop around 25 percent. Of course, if you don’t want to scare people away with your garlic breath, powdered garlic capsules work just as well.


A study cited by VitaminsDiary.com states that psyllium is effective in lowering triglyceride levels by almost 50 percent over a two month trial period. Psyllium also was effective in lowering LDL cholesterol levels, slowing the absorpotion of blood sugar, and in providing a great source of fiber which reduces constipation. Psyllium should always be taken with at least 8 ounces of water and should not be taken by anyone with an intestinal blockage.

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