Diet Tips to Get Pregnant
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Diet Tips to Get Pregnant

What people eat affects everything from blood, cells and hormones. Therefore, it does not come as a surprise when women who are trying to get pregnant make changes in their diets to help achieve this goal. A book authored by Dr. Jorge E. Chavarro and Dr. Walter Willett of Harvard School of Public Health, titled “The Fertility Diet,” mentions foods that can help women get pregnant. The groundbreaking research reveals natural ways to boost ovulation and improve a woman’s chances of getting pregnant. For eight years, Chavarroo and colleagues tracked the diet and lifestyle patterns of 17,544 women as they tried to get pregnant. None of the women had a history of infertility.

Monounsaturated Fats

To prepare the body to become pregnant, one must consume monounsaturated fat rather than trans fats. Olive oil, avocados and nuts contain monounsaturated fats found to have health benefits. Avoid trans fats or limit it only to 2 grams a day. Trans fats can be detrimental to the insulin’s hormone pathways, which can affect fertility.

Fertility-Boosting Proteins

Foods rich in protein can help build strong muscles. Women trying to get pregnant should get most of their protein intake from vegetables rather than animals to improve fertility rates. Instead of red meat or turkey, eat beans, tofu, eggs and fish to protect against ovulatory infertility. Avoid processed meats since they contain unsafe level of nitrates that can cause listeria infection. Women trying to get pregnant should also avoid raw and smoked meats at all times.

Whole Grains

By eating slow-absorbing carbohydrates, such as oatmeal, barley and other fiber-rich foods, such as beans and legumes can improve fertility of women who are trying to get pregnant. Avoid white bread, processed carbohydrate foods and sugary sodas because they are more likely to decrease fertility levels overtime, in addition to causing rapid increase in blood sugar.

Dairy Products

When trying to get pregnant, it is advisable to take whole milk and full-fat dairy products, such as full-fat cheese and yogurt. These types of dairy products are also great sources of protein and can help promote healthy bones, skin and hair. Eating full-fat ice cream and full-fat cottage cheese on a weekly basis can help increase fertility.

Folic Acids

Eating foods rich in folic acid can help improve fertility rates. Food that contain high levels of folic acid are beans, whole grains, citrus fruits and dark green vegetables. Taking prenatal vitamins containing at least 400 micrograms of folic acid can also help prevent neural tube defects, also known as spina bifida in newborn babies.

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