1 min read

Pregnancy 21 Weeks

Right now your pregnancy is past the halfway mark. An amazing amount of development has happened so far, and you are very much aware of the growing life inside of you. You also will have moved past difficult symptoms such as morning sickness by this time. Twenty-one weeks can be a very comfortable point of the pregnancy since you are not yet feeling the discomfort that can come in the last trimester.


At three-quarters of a pound and between 7 and 10 inches long, your baby is now large enough to make his presence and movements known.


The baby’s central nervous system is developing at this time. As is true throughout the pregnancy, you will want to get plenty of rest and nourishment to ensure that this development continues as it should.

Time Frame

With each day that passes, your baby is getting bigger and bigger. Physical development moves at a rapid pace from this point on.


Many mothers report that this point of the pregnancy is the most enjoyable. While the baby is large enough for the expectant mother to enjoy being pregnant, future discomforts and mobility issues are still several weeks away.

Fun Fact

At around 21 weeks gestation, many babies will hiccup inside the womb. Expectant moms may even feel their baby hiccup. This phenomenon is perfectly normal and nothing to worry about.


Hormones can play havoc with a pregnant woman’s complexion. An increase in acne can occur at this time and should be treated topically.


Changing hormone levels along with pressure on the legs can cause many pregnant women to begin to develop varicose veins around this time. Exercise and rest can help to prevent this.

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